Denver Area | Chinese Medicinal Services


by May 5, 2020


Microneedling for Skin

Microneedling with Procell serum containing proteins, collagens improves skin texture, minimizes scarring and sun damage and virtually erases fine lines and diminishes depth and length of wrinkles. With little to no downtime you will be red carpet ready the next day. 

Immediately after treatment patients can experience redness. Those with more sensitive skin will have more redness. After care product is provided with treatment.

What are you waiting for?

Schedule your free 15-minute consultation today.

Microneedling for Hair Growth

Using the same technology with the Procell microneedling machine and stem cell derived proteins and collagen specific to hair growth are introduced to the scalp, stimulating the follicles to create growth. Has been effective for hormone related hair loss at the temples and the bald patch top of head.


  • Single microneedling session & mini acupuncture treatment $225

    20 minutes, hair or face

  • Add on facial microneedling to a regular acupuncture session $165

    50 minutes

  • Add on for Hair Growth $150


  1. Does it hurt?

    There can be mild discomfort however in combination with the acupuncture treatment the level of discomfort is diminished. There is an option for topical numbing cream but is rarely required. 

  2. How often will I need treatment?

    For skin Every 4-6 weeks for 6 months  and then to  maintain it every 8 weeks seems to be the magic timeline for longer lasting results. For Hair Growth weekly treatments for 12 weeks, then every 3-4 weeks for maintenance.

  3. Will my face be bloody?

    Although there can be slight pin pricking blood, there will not be an excessive amount of blood on your face. Rachael Rose uses very shallow needles, .25-.5 mm.  This depth creates a temporary channel penetrating to the dermal epidermal layer into which the serum is placed. Longer needles will penetrate past this layer into more vascular areas (areas with more blood flow) and are not used at Full Circle Wellness Center. Although good results occur with the longer needles. Dr. Lance Setterfield, pioneer of microneedling has found that repeated treatments with longer needles can cause scarring and granulomas. 

Real Results


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